Our Annual Missions Conference will be February 23-25. Our missionary is from a Creative Access Country. For the safety of her and her team, limited information can be shared in print. Krystal has ministered to Muslims in the Middle East for over five years. Please plan on attending what is offered in the following schedule.
Friday, February 23
6:00pm—Four Corners Dinner. Please sign up in the foyer, indicating which region you will represent with your dish to pass.
Saturday, February 24
9:00am—Joint Alliance Men and Alliance Women’s Breakfast. All age groups and families are welcome to attend! Pancakes, sausage, and beverage provided. You are welcome to bring a breakfast dish to pass if you are able, but it is not necessary, just come and enjoy the meal and message from the missionary.
2:00pm—WAY Bowling with the Missionary. Meet at Riverside Lanes at 2pm, $5 per student. Pizza and Ice Cream to follow at Church.
Sunday, February 25
9:15am—Sunday School in Marshall Hall. Preschool (2-4) and nursery will remain in regular classes. Kids are definitely encouraged to be here for this presentation!
10:30am—Morning Worship