We all face moments and sometimes seasons where we know we need to move forward. Getting going can be the hardest part and we often overlook a primary step…prayer. To many, prayer feels like a foreign or formal thing. However, prayer is simply talking to God. Together we will begin to Move the Needle as we pray.
Moving the Needle: Pastor Nate Sickler- 1/1/23
Moving the Needle: Kingdom and Will -Pastor Nate Sickler
Moving The Needle: Press The Matter Pastor Nate Sickler
Moving The Needle: Press The Matter Jim Chapman
Moving The Needle: Spiritual Warfare- Pastor Nate Sickler- 1/29/23
Message Notes and Discussion Guides
- Week 1: Worship (Pastor Nate Sickler)
- Week 2: Kingdom & Will (Pastor Nate Sickler)
- Week 3: Pressing the Matter (Pastor Nate Sickler)
- Week 4: Confession (Jim Chapman)
- Week 5: Spiritual Warfare (Pastor Nate Sickler)
- Week 6: Expression of Hope (Pastor Nate Sickler)