Missions Weekend

April 30, 2021 – May 2, 2021 all-day

Missions Weekend is coming! The missions team is putting together a great weekend. Check out the schedule:

Friday April 30th at 6:30pm: International Dinner
Please register by clicking the button below.  Included in registration is an opportunity to select a continent that you would like to make a dish from. If you are unable to bring a dish, that is ok. We would still love for you to join us. Click Register Now below to sign up to come. Registration will be open until April 29th at 11:59pm.

Saturday, May 1st at 10am: Ladies Brunch

Sunday May 2nd at 8:45am: “Donuts with the Missionary”– Teresa will be speaking to the kids but all ages will enjoy.

Sunday May 2nd at 10am: Then she will be speaking during the main worship service at 10am.